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From Poverty to Potential to Prosperity

Page history last edited by cathleen_carpenter 11 years, 2 months ago

Es tiempo de cambiar...


...how we address the problem of poverty.


Go to our donation page to help make a difference right here in Guatemala!


I thought you'd enjoy reading this last update from Whole Foods Foundation on our microfinancing project-

$1,425 is equivalent to just over 8 microloans, assuming the current average size of $172 for first loans disbursed by Whole Planet Foundation microfinance institution (MFI) partners.  Considering that the families in the communities where we work worldwide comprise 6 individuals on average, each of those 8 loans then gives nearly 50 people a very real opportunity to lift themselves out of poverty, and an even greater chance for prosperity with the next generation in that family.

 Al Americano de Guate, ¡Muchísimas gracias y adelante!

Go here to see our donation page and be a part of social business in Guatemala.


The team from Living On One will be here in Guatemala this summer to tell about their experiences living on $1.00 a day for 56 days in Pena Blanca. You can go to their website for more information. Be sure to stop by and see them and hear how they are involved in helping end poverty here in Guatemala.

There will be two large public events: 

  1. One in Guatemala City at the Universidad Francisco Marroquin (July 25th) 6:00 PM
  2. The Second at the University in Solola near Lake Atitlan (July 30th) 6:00 PM








The Facts

  • Poverty is one of the top 20 global issues of today
  • The cycle has continued for many years, from generation to generation
  • The cycle won't change or be broken until the world looks at it in a different way -
    a hand up and not a hand out


Percent of population worldwide living on less than $1.25 per day

from http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Percent_of_population_living_on_less_than_$1.25_per_day.svg


The Facts in Guatemala

  • Population of Guatemala - 14,757,316 (2011)
  • % living in poverty - 54% (up from 51% in 2006) 7 out of 10 indigenous people live in poverty
  • rural communities have often been isolated and neglected, leading to chronic poverty
  • the terrain of the country has made farming difficult
  • the majority of Guatemalans see poverty linked to inadequate public services, particularly education
  • Guatemalan poverty hasn't occurred overnight: historical and cultural factors along with geographical
    isolation has contributed to the issue
  • 21.5% of Guatemalan's earn less than $1/day


(World Bank Country Study, 2004, 2008)  



Who we are -We are 7th graders at The American School of Guatemala and we are sharing one way we think that the global issue of poverty can be addressed. Check out our video below to see what we are up to!


Fliqz has shut down their service. To access this video, email support with this video id: a1d5fcbb6ff34c1591256df62e4e0ea7


Our Project: Microfinancing - Social Business is good for everyone


Who does it involve? Rural Guatemalans who need a small loan to purchase supplies or materials in order to help them earn money and improve their lives



One Guatemalan, One Story: Florinda Agustina, Totonicapan, Guatemala


Doña Florinda Agustina is 33 years old. She is an artisan by trade, engaged in the preparation of women’s aprons and has three children. She and her husband work in a shop with three machines, along with two other employees. She has been making aprons for 10 years in her residence  in Paraje Chichaclan.  At present, her customer demand has grown but the economic conditions she has encountered have not allowed her to accumulate her working capital. For that reason, she turned to microfinancing to solicit a loan with the intention of buying raw materials, and thus increase her sales. She is also hoping to bring up her children in order to improve their living conditions. (http://www.kiva.org/lend/78451?title=Kiva+Loan+Profile)


What is microfinancing?



Microfinance is Not a Silver Bullet

"Microfinance is but one strategy battling an immense problem.


Where is it needed? rural areas where economic advantages and opportunities are not available


Why do we need to do this? If over 50% of your country is poor but can get a little help from even 20% of the rest of the country, everyone wins because now more people have money to spend and products to sell, increasing the economic and buying power for all.


How will we do it? Get the word out, set up a donation page, and work with Whole Foods Foundation to get the needed loans to the people here in Guatemala to make a difference in Guatemala, for Guatemalans.


Go to our donation page to help make a difference right here in Guatemala!


Connect with Living On One and see more of their story.


If you want more answers to your questions about microfinancing and how Whole Foods works with people here in Guatemala, go to this link and scroll down to FAQs about Interest Rates, Credit Abuse and World Poverty


You can donate any amount and it will go to financing a small business here in Guatemala. We will be bringing you more stories of specifically who is being helped so you can see that you are connecting to and helping REAL people!


Be part of global change by helping increase awareness as we present our ideas and results at the GIN Conference 2013 in Costa Rica this April!


  We all need YOU to UNITE with us for CHANGE

Click on this link to see what other schools did at the 2013 GIN Conference in Costa Rica. Find something that your students are PASSIONATE about, one of the "20 Global Issues in 20 Years" and see what change you can make in your community and the world.






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